Gakyali Mabaga, translated as “So little done, So much more to do.”
To be the hub of globally enlightened and dignified men and women, rooted in Christian values.
To provide an all-round quality Education networking and team work to address global trends.
Core Values
in fulfillment of our mission and vision. our core values are;
- Fear of God (Psalm 111:10)
- Academic excellence ( Daniel 6:3-4)
- Bravery for the truth( Daniel 3:16-18)
- Integrity (Psalm 25:21)
- teamwork and networking
- Respect for self, others and property. (Mark 12:31)
Oh maker of this lovely hill
The trees and grasses freshly green
The morning mists and water still
We thank you for this royal hill
As gifts from thy almighty hand
We love our school, our farm our land
But though these gifts enrich and please
We pray to love thee more than these.
Oh! Teacher of all truth and right
Who leadest those that seek the light
We entrust them to thy loving grace
And thank thee for this well loved school