On Monday 30th October 2023, King’s College Budo students witnessed the annual Prizegiving ceremony graced by the Managing Director, Uganda Development Bank, Mrs Patricia Ojangole.
This year, Time keepers and School council executive were recognised. Other prizes awarded include, subject awards, prefects,  special awards. Class Awards are no longer given at the end of the year, they are given on termly basis.
In his speech, the Headmaster Mr John Fed Kazibwe  congratulated the awardees of the year 2023. He told students that awards mean one should accelerate whatever they are doing, not being awarded doesn’t mean one is less an achiever.

He encouraged students to work and gain recognition in the area God has called you them excel because each one of us has a potential to excel.

The Guest of Honour Mrs. Patricia Ojangole applauded the awardees and encouraged them to enjoy the rewards because they have earned them. She gave a cash token of Five Hundred thousand shillings to be shared by the awardees of the year 2023.

She encouraged students to plan and know how to  fend for themselves as they think about the following tips;

1. Work hard for a better tomorrow. Don’t procrastinate Prepare for the future now, whatever u do now determines your next stage.
2. Have the right mindset be positive. Always discern right from wrong. Your attitude is the difference  between where u r now n where u want to be tomorrow.
3. Grow your social capital .
4. Reap blessings everyday. Do something special for some one, uphold the values of the school, keep consistent and on the rite track.
5. Attitude and attributes matter a lot in life. These gained through soft skills acquired on a daily basis.
6.Make the right choices. U have the ability to discern and know what is right.
7.  See opportunity in any challenge
8. Seek opportunity to improve on a daily basis. Align towards new opportunities.

The ceremony was crowned with “High tea” at the administration grounds.

Below are more pictures

Gakyali Mabaga


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